Saturday, December 15, 2012

Aisyah visit tokpa

Weekend ni ktorg satu family + Cik Na balik to our hometown lawat abah yg br lps operation. Driving last Friday after habis kerja n sampai Kota Bharu around subuh.
Aisyah tersangatla behave throughout our long journey. Tdo je minum susu pun adalah sekali kot.
Bolehla ibu drive sepanjang perjalanan disebabkan ayah n cik na dua2 pening + muntah. The whole trip kedua2 nya rehat je kat belakang seat, ibu je yg drive boleh? (Walaupun ibu rs kedua2 nya mcm nk curi tulang tido je :p) Nasib baik ibu xngantuk sgt n Aisyah pun good girl sgt. So bolehla ibu concerntrate driving.
Sampai sana check in hotel n terus lawat abah. Ktorg tggl Dzq yg sgt2 la nmpak sakit untuk tdo n rest dlu. (Kesian ayah sbb memula ibu tuduh ayah curi tulang tamo drive hehe).
Dua hari ktorg dekat sana; aktivi hanyala rehat dlm bilik hotel n lawat abah. Tak ssempat nk buat pape pun memandangkan masa yg terhad sgt n still rasa penat lg.
Harini ktorg akan balik kl maybe around 2pm kot. Dzq pon dah semakin cergas untuk driving arini.
Aisyah pon hepy sesgt dpt jumpe tokma tokpa cik tin semua.

Hopefully we will be reaching safe & sound malam ni.
Till then da~

Aisyah yang br bangun tdo dekat hospital dgn tokpa. Soo happy anak dara ibu ni :)

-Happy driving mommy-

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hello there BLOGworld :)

FINALLY, I have decided to have my own blog.
My name is Intan Fadzliana, 28 y.o. A happy wife, an exited new mom, working with DHL as a Network Control Group. This is a blog for my daughter actually, and you might find the entries mostly about her. Her name is Aisyah Inara and she was born on Tuesday - 24nd of July, 2012 by normal labour.
Well enjoy the blog :)

-Happy bloging Mommy-